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9.3 Release Notes

What's new in 9.3? Improved dates in Assessments • Retain filters when exporting data to .csv • Improved invite mechanics • And more...

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Written by Team
Updated over 2 years ago

Updates in 9.3

🔡 Customizable Data Export (.csv files)

Users now have more control over the data that gets exported from analytics graphs. Selected filters will now be maintained when exporting raw data to .csv files.

🗓 Improved reporting periods & due dates structure within Assessments

We've updated the way that reporting periods and due dates are presented and structured within Assessments. Now, these dates (and date ranges) are more clear and allow for an underlying architecture that can more seamlessly display analytics data that aligna to these dates.

⚛️ Streamlined child invitation mechanics

Your Proof Customer Success rep can now invite multiple users to take an assessment on your behalf and automatically link these results as an associated source in a more streamlined manner — resulting in a better, more congruous rollup of data & insights.

Bug Fixes

With this release, we've also addressed the following issues:

  • Improved parent-child relationship mechanics

  • Fixed sorting issues within user management panel

  • Addressed issue where framework icons were displaying incorrectly

  • Fixed metric cards controls from displaying improperly

  • Addressed multiple mobile-responsive issues for easier use on smaller devices

  • Resolved issue where header not displaying correctly in Firefox for some users

  • And more...

Technical Architecture Upgrades

With this release, we've made ongoing upgrades to our technical foundations including add'l automated testing, code refactoring, and foundational architecture improvements.

Thanks for following our progress as we continue to improve our experience and features for our users and their stakeholders.

Check back soon for notes for our next release.

— Proof Team

Excited about this update? Need to report an issue? Have a feature request you'd like to submit? Want help with a new feature?

Let us know by providing input at any time! Send us a message directly through the chatbox in the bottom righthand corner of every page within our platform. Prefer email? Send us a message at 📨

What's new in 9.3?

↳ 🔡 Retain selected filters when exporting .csv files
↳ 🗓 Improved date & date range display within Assessments
↳ ⚛️ Streamlined child-parent relationship mechanics
↳ 🪲 Multiple bugs squashed
↳ 🛠 Ongoing performance upgrades
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